
The Most Frequent Questions Wealthy Family Ask

  1. Should I create my own Single Family Office (SFO) or join a Multi-Family Office (MFO)?
  2. In our quest to be intelligent investors, what return expectations should we target, and what mix of traditional and alternative assets will help us achieve it?
  3. As we think about robust financial planning, how much can we spend and/or gift to charity in our lifetime?
  4. How much do we leave to our children and grandchildren?  What are the optimal tax and timing strategies?  When do we start educating them on financial literacy?
  5. What are the limitations and opportunities for effective estate planning?  What changes should I expect over time?
  6. Across health, cyber, personal safety, and portfolios, what are the hidden risks can that can negatively impact our family?
  7. From passing values down to the next generation to having an impact through philanthropy, what will our family’s legacy be?
  8. What’s the difference between tactical charitable giving and strategic philanthropy?  Should my impact be expressed through the way we invest or should investments be cause-neutral and maximized to increase the size of the gift?  How and when do I involve the next generation in philanthropy?
  9. What do we need to take into account when considering private aviation?  Should we buy a jet to put into a charter management pool,  buy a fractional interest in a firm like NetJets, or use a private charter or shared ride service like WheelsUp?
  10. What is good Family Governance?  Should we establish a family council for leadership purposes, do we need to draft a family charter, and how often should we gather as a family?  How do we handle family communication and conflict resolution?