No two families are the same and no two family offices should be the same either.
We offer the focus of a single-family office combined with the scale of a multi-family office: Custom Family Office Solutions.
We provide the high-touch service you might expect from a single-family office, combined with the dedicated resources and cost efficiencies of a multi-family office. We remain focused on your short and long-term horizons, with a full 360° view of your lifestyle and assets. You are faced with a unique and complex mix of considerations and decisions, potential hurdles, and remarkable opportunities. We walk alongside you to navigate them.
We want to fully understand your story. How did you build wealth? What are your values? What are your dreams and what do you envision the impact of your wealth to be? What are your philanthropic goals? Where do your challenges lie? Which aspects of your wealth worry you? How would you describe your family dynamic? What are the activities you wish you had more time to pursue?
We identify your complexities. We help prioritize your goals and aspirations. We unpack investment, risk, privacy, security, tax, legal, and insurance implications and seek to uncover where gaps or overlaps exist.
Only then do we build custom solutions to effectively govern your family’s affairs, providing comprehensive counsel for what matters in your lives. Then, we envelop you in your custom family office infrastructure, with talented investment professionals who become your personal board of directors.
Our strength is intrinsic to our people, our expertise, and the high-touch service experience we provide for our clients and their families.
We believe it is rare for firms to have the depth of knowledge, unwavering character, and culture of collaboration, on par with Verdence. We have built a successful, client-centric firm by hiring the right people, in the right roles, who can execute at the highest levels. We regard our team and our clients as family.
Performance is driven by top-down research and forensic due diligence.
We hold ourselves to exceedingly high standards, with several consistent and rigorous processes in place designed to protect and grow your assets. Allocations for your portfolio, planning, and assets are run through in-depth research and exhaustive qualitative and qualitative analysis, balanced for fixed income, US/global equities, private investments, and cash positions.
We offer our Verdence/FAMILY clients unique access to private/alternative investments. Typically, private market investments have narrow access requirements and may expose added concerns around risk and liquidity. The information used to evaluate private companies and alternative investments is not as readily available as it is for public companies who are forced to disclose financials, so the due diligence process is extremely complex and even more important. We search for attractive private/alternative investments that offer the opportunity for a good risk-adjusted return, enhanced income opportunities, and attractive diversification benefits.
Verdence advisors and strategists are frequently called upon to publicly provide our perspective, so you may see us occasionally on CNBC, Fox Business, Bloomberg, and other media outlets. While we appreciate that we are well-respected in the media, our first priority is keeping you personally informed. Each family determines the reporting schedule that works best for them. In addition, your family office will be providing information on current areas of interest, as well as timely responses to significant market events that may affect your future returns.
Our experienced and highly-collaborative team works with many families in navigating the challenges that are unique to their situation. Working with multiple generations, we customize our approach to ensure family members are properly informed and represented. We get to know those things most important to your family and then coordinate our counsel in a manner designed to meet those needs.
We are beholden only to our clients’ best interests. We deliver risk-adjusted comprehensive, bespoke advice and financial planning. We provide full transparency of our counsel, investment solutions, reporting, and our compensation. We remain independent from any bank, broker-dealer, insurance company, or custodian and do not create products to sell or price any public securities.
“Our Verdence/FAMILY team goes beyond investment advice and outstanding family office client services. We know that each family, each individual has a unique story, and we are committed to our fiduciary responsibility to help each one uniquely build the life they’ve earned.”
CEO, Verdence Capital Advisors